About the Public Library Foundation of Beaufort County
Several years ago the Beaufort County Library Board of Trustees determined that the funding from local, state and federal sources was not, and would not in the future, support the funding for library services that Beaufort County residents want and need. They convened a committee to determine where additional funds might be obtained.
After examining other libraries throughout the nation, the committee decided that an independent foundation was needed, and that it should have a goal of creating a $10 million Endowment Fund.
In 2005 the Public Library Foundation of Beaufort County (PLFBC) was organized and incorporated as a body independent of the Beaufort County Council, the Beaufort County Library and the Beaufort County Library Board of Trustees. The IRS approved the PLFBC as a 501(c)3 charitable organization, and South Carolina approved its registration as a charitable organization.
A PLFBC Board of Directors was appointed, officers were elected, and bylaws and a mission statement were approved.
Provide funding for facilities, equipment and personnel for the Beaufort County Library which are not anticipated to be available from state or local political funding. In so doing the PLFBC will enable the Library in achieving its goal of becoming a first-class library, and meeting the needs and desires of the citizens of Beaufort County.
Public Library Foundation Board of Directors
Patricia Hand, Co-Chair
Woody Rutter, Co-Chair
John Donkersloot, Vice Chair
Eve Peterson, Treasurer
Sally Steedman
Julie Zachowski
Ron Roth