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For Fans of Barbie

Nonfiction and fiction recommendations for Barbie fans.

Barbie and Ruth book cover

Barbie and Ruth : the story of the world's most famous doll and the woman who created her by Robin Gerber

The Male Gazed book cover

The male gazed : on hunks, heartthrobs, and what pop culture taught me about (desiring) men by Manuel Betancourt

Dressing Barbie book cover

Dressing Barbie : a celebration of the clothes that made America's favorite doll, and the incredible woman behind them by Carol Spencer

Yinka, Where is Your Husband book cover

Yinka, Where Is Your Husband? by Lizzie Damilola Blackburn

Women and Other Monsters book cover

Women and other monsters : building a new mythology by Jess Zimmerman

Woman World book cover

Woman World by Aminder Dhaliwal

Luisa Now and Then book cover

Luisa, now and then by Carole Maurel

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