Exhibit, Display Case, and Distribution of Literature Policy
Adopted by the Library Board of Trustees January 16, 1991 Amended January 13, 1999
Amended September 14, 2011
Approved November 7, 2011
Amended February 5, 2013
Display and exhibit space is available within the Beaufort County Library for sharing educational, artistic, and cultural materials that promote interest in the use of books, library resources and information or that share information about local art and cultural organizations.
The use, by individuals or organizations, of the Beaufort County Library’s facilities for exhibits, displays, announcements, or distribution of materials is not a right, but a privilege which is subject to review by the Board of Trustees.
No poster, display, exhibit, pamphlet, brochure, leaflet, or booklet shall be exhibited, displayed, or placed in the libraries for distribution without permission from the County Library Director or his/her appointed representative. Materials posted or left for distribution without prior approval will be removed.
Displays and exhibits must meet the library’s standard of appearance and quality. The library reserves the right to reject any part of an exhibit or to change the manner of display. The library also reserves the right to add books or other library material that may be relevant to the display with the intent of promoting the library’s mission.
Permission for an outside organization or individual to exhibit, display or distribute literature does not constitute an endorsement by the Library of an individual’s or group’s beliefs, policies, or programs. Publicity should not indicate library sponsorship.
Exhibitors are responsible for hanging or arranging items according to guidelines and within areas designated for each branch and for dismantling and removing exhibited items within two working days of the scheduled close of the exhibit. Information concerning exhibited items, such as title, artist, and price may be made available in the exhibit area. The library reserves the right to remove items after that time.
The Library makes all reasonable efforts to protect exhibit material belonging to individuals or organizations while on display in the libraries, but assume no responsibility for loss or damage to such material. Exhibitors and display case users are required to sign a statement releasing the Library from any liability.
Approval to exhibit, display, or distribute literature will be granted subject to and based on the following conditions:
1. Location within Libraries. Exhibits, displays, posting of or distribution of materials will be permitted only in designated areas of the libraries. Due to space limitations in some facilities, space is granted on a first come,
first served basis with priority going to the library and Friends of the Library functions and information.
2. Partisan Political and Religious Materials. No outside organization or individual shall be permitted to display or exhibit any materials, leaflets, or posters which advocate an affirmative or negative vote for or against any proposition, whether political or otherwise. Political or religious editorializing or recruiting is forbidden. Information on the times of meeting and special events is allowed, subject to general regulation for posters and displays.
3. Advertising and Solicitation. No organization or individual shall be permitted to place in the libraries any receptacle which solicits donations or sells or auctions items. Exceptions may be granted for library fund raising. Posters announcing bazaars, tours, or programs sponsored by any local education, religious, historical or fraternal organization may be displayed, subject to general regulations, providing space is available within designated areas.
4. Exhibits and Display Materials. Each library branch will establish an Exhibits/Displays Committee to schedule and screen exhibits and displays judging them on artistic merit, educational value, timeliness, and using the standards set forth in the library materials selection policy. At the committee’s option, photographs of art works to be exhibited may be requested as well as renderings of the content of displays. The Exhibits/Displays Committee for each branch will be composed of a minimum of 3 people. Members can include the branch manager or designated person, a member of the board of trustees, a member of the friends of the library.
Requests to exhibit should be made between one to six months in advance and in writing (using a Request to Exhibit or Request for the Use of a Display Case form) to the branch manager or his/her designated staff. The length of time for exhibits and displays shall be established by the Exhibits/Display Committee for each facility. Exhibits and displays will be open to viewing by the public during normal library hours only. Where located in meeting rooms, public viewing will be interrupted for scheduled meetings.
Display Materials. All display materials must include the name of the sponsoring organization and be dated when received. The maximum display period for posters and brochures is one month, or until the date of the event being promoted. Extensions may be made at the discretion of the branch manager for public information items depending on space available.
5. Posters. Display of posters is limited to and by available bulletin board space designated for each library. The maximum size of posters which will be accepted for display is 11” x 17”.
6. Brochures, Fliers. Brochures may be displayed in racks designated for each library or on the tops or counters in browsing areas if accompanying other displays and where space is available. Non-library related brochures may not be displayed on the service desks.
Requests for Reconsideration of a display or exhibit or denial of a display or exhibit.
If a customer desires to make an official complaint about an exhibit or a specific display or all of its contents, a Request for Reconsideration form will be provided to him/her. The form will be forwarded by the Branch Manager to the Director for action.
Displays, Exhibits, and Distribution of Literature Policy, Amended February 2013