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Borrow the Internet: SmartSpot Lending Program

The Beaufort County Library to again offer local parents opportunity to “Borrow the Internet” from select library locations.

Northern Beaufort County parents of school-age children/teens can borrow from the library - for free - a portable device that provides access to internet. The intent of the program is to enable children or teens who otherwise wouldn’t have access to the internet an opportunity to complete their internet-based homework assignments from the comfort of their home.


Each mobile “SmartSpot” device uses cellular networks to create a personal broadband internet hotspot and provide portable, high-speed internet connectivity that can be shared between multiple users. Each device is filtered to provide access only to educational websites.

Beginning on Monday, August 13th, a limited number of devices will be available for checkout at the Beaufort, Lobeco, and St. Helena branch libraries.

New this year

The Library's Bookmobile will provide SmartSpot devices to select homework sites across the county, enabling multiple students to utilize the device simultaneously. This addition to previous years’ SmartSpot programs was made possible through funds provided by a grant from the South Carolina K-12 Technology Initiative, administered by the South Carolina State Library.

Each SmartSpot device is checked out to a customer’s library card for the academic year. Borrowers must have a current Beaufort County Library card in good standing. Devices are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Checkout is limited to one device per household.


Ray McBride, Library Director


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